Monday, December 7, 2015

West Bengal B. Sc Nursing Entrance Examination: JENPARH

B. Sc Nursing Entrance Examination (JENPARH) conducted by West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB), (WBJEE) named as JENPARH. Candidates can apply application for admission into B. Sc Nursing in various Nursing Training. The students who are waiting to appear in the coming JENPARH Examination, here we share how to fill your answer sheet properly. You can see the Candidates who want to previous year (2013, 2014, 2015) Question papers of the West Bengal B. Sc Nursing Entrance Examination for admission to B. Sc Nursing course in West Bengal. 
West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB) will be published immediately for invited application to the eligible candidates for the Nursing Training in West Bengal.  Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB) conducted the MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS, EVETS Entrance examination every year. Candidates should be apply online for the above Entrance Examination when will be announced and publication by the respective board in West Bengal.
Here candidates get the previous year Question Paper from our given link. Candidates can visit the Official Website for important information for JENPARH Examination.

Criteria for Apply for Applicant:
  1. B. Sc Nursing Training Course (JENPARH) only for Female Candidates and apply only female candidates.
  2. Candidates must passed Higher Secondary (10+2) Examination passed with Physics, Chemistry and Biological Science and must have English subject with 50% marks.
  3. Candidates must have completed 17 years of age for apply.
  4. SC, ST, OBC, PH candidates will be get the facilities (Reserve) as per norms of State Government of West Bengal.
  5. Candidates must have JENPARH Rank for appearing in Personality Test and Counselling. 
Question Paper in Two Parts:
Paper 01:  Biological Science
Paper 02:  Physics and Chemistry

Number Distribution:
Paper 01: Biological Science carries 100 marks for 100 MCQ type Question, each Question carry 1 mark with negative marking (1/3)
Paper 02: Physics carries 50 marks for 50 MCQ type Question and Chemistry carries 50 marks for 50 MCQ type question with negative marking (1/3)

Examination Duration: 
Each Paper in 2 Hours

How to Fill-up the Exam Paper (OMR Sheet):
  1. The all question paper contain all MCQ type Questions, So, candidates must read the Question Paper front page and follow the instruction carefully in the examination hall before filling the OMR sheet.
  2. All Questions should be try to answered correctly and fill the OMR sheet by darkening the appropriate bubble against the question number on the respective left hand column.
  3. Candidates use only Black or Blue Ball point Pen to mark the Answer.
  4. Mobile phone, Slide Rules, Log Table, Electronics Watches, Calculators, Charts, Graph sheet or any other form of tables are not allowed in the examination hall.
  5. Candidates must write your Roll Number, Application Form Number and Question Booklet number in your OMR.
  6. At last hand over the OMR to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
  7. Rough work can be done on the back of the own question paper.
Candidates can get the Previous Year Question Paper for your better Preparation. Now looks all Question papers (Biological Science, Physics and Chemistry) link given below.


  1. Please attached study material and notes for WBJEE & B. Sc Nursing Exam Material so that I can download from here

  2. Please Give Study Material of Class Ix and X new syllabus. and model question paper and answer.

  3. Please sir give some sample question paper for B. sc nursing

  4. it's really very helpful... thanks...

    1. please help me with previous some years question papers of jenparh.
      I am appearing this year.

  5. sir give some idea about previous year opening & closing rank for bsc nursing college admission.

  6. প্রথম কথা তোমার Rank কত হয়েছে? সেটা জানলে সুবিধা হতো। তবে ধরে নিতে পারো ৮০০-৯০০ পর্যন্ত Rank সরকারী কলেজ পাবেই, তবে শেষ Counselling পর্যন্ত Wait করে থাকতে হবে। কারণ এই ৮০০-৯০০ Rank এর মধ্যে অনেকেই WBJEE বা College Admission হয়ে গেছে, তারা আর নার্সিং পড়বে না।
    এবার বলছি বেসরকারী কলেজের কথা। Counselling এর শেষ পর্যন্ত Wait করে থাকলে Upto 3000-3500 পর্যন্ত বেসরকারী কলেজ পাবেই। এটা আগের বছরের Experience থেকে বলছি। আর এই Counselling গতবারের ভুলভাবে প্রসেস হওয়ার ফলে অনেক সামনের Rank কলেজ পায়নি কিন্তু আমার এখানেরই একটা মেয়েকে ফোন করে কলেজ Admission করিয়েছে। তবে মোট কথা আগে দেখো Rank কত? ৯০০ পর্যন্ত সরকারী হবে। তার বাইরে ৩০০০-৩৫০০ পর্যন্ত বেসরকারী হবে।

  7. please help me with previous some years question papers of jenparh.
    I am appearing this year.

